Postdoc in far infrared detection for astrophysics H/F

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Le CEA est un acteur majeur de la recherche, au service des citoyens, de l'économie et de l'Etat.

Il apporte des solutions concrètes à leurs besoins dans quatre domaines principaux : transition énergétique, transition numérique, technologies pour la médecine du futur, défense et sécurité sur un socle de recherche fondamentale. Le CEA s'engage depuis plus de 75 ans au service de la souveraineté scientifique, technologique et industrielle de la France et de l'Europe pour un présent et un avenir mieux maîtrisés et plus sûrs.

Implanté au cœur des territoires équipés de très grandes infrastructures de recherche, le CEA dispose d'un large éventail de partenaires académiques et industriels en France, en Europe et à l'international.

Les 20 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs du CEA partagent trois valeurs fondamentales :

• La conscience des responsabilités
• La coopération
• La curiosité



Description de l'unité

At the Institute of research into the fundamental laws of the Universe (IRFU), you will work in the Astrophysics Department (DAp-AIM) and be part of the Space Spectro-Imager Laboratory (LSIS) on the CEA Paris-Saclay site. The DAp-AIM is one of the leading space laboratories in France, Europe and the rest of the world. It employs around 200 people in research fields ranging from instrumentation to modeling and astrophysical interpretation.
The LSIS develops detectors and scientific instruments for installation in space observatories and ground-based telescopes. The laboratory has recognized expertise in the detection of high-energy (X-ray and gamma-ray) and infrared light (thermal infrared to submillimeter).

Description du poste


Optique et optronique



Intitulé de l'offre

Postdoc in far infrared detection for astrophysics H/F

Sujet de stage

The LSIS "bolometers" group, with over 20 years' international experience, developed the PACS photometer for the Herschel space observatory, based on large detector arrays in the submillimeter range. These bolometers, also used in the PILOT and ArTéMiS projects, have made a major contribution to observations of the cold universe, particularly in star-forming regions. Our current developments concern the next generation of bolometers with very high sensitivity and polarimetric capability, and are part of ESA's Voyage 2050 and NASA's Decadal Survey programs. These developments, carried out in collaboration with CEA-LETI in particular, are currently in a phase of optimizing detector performance and readout modes, with a view to their use in future projects on the ground or in space.

Durée du contrat (en mois)


Description de l'offre

You will be part of the LSIS laboratory, which employs around twenty people (researchers, engineers, technicians, students), and will carry out the following tasks:

- In-depth analysis of detector characterization measurements, applying advanced methods and knowledge of low-temperature detection physics (light-matter interaction, superconductivity, cryogenic test methods).
- Active contribution to the physical models developed within the group (from the detector to the complete instrument).
- Broader R&D activities, particularly in the spectro-polarimetric field.

Moyens / Méthodes / Logiciels

Data analysis tools (Python, Matlab) and simulation codes (Comsol).

Profil du candidat

You have a PhD in physics or instrumentation for astrophysics, you must :
have good experience of cryogenic detectors for astrophysics, acquired during a thesis or post-doctorate.
master numerical analysis tools (e.g. Python, Matlab) and simulation tools (knowledge of Comsol would be an advantage).
have excellent written and oral communication skills.
have the ability to work well in a team.

Localisation du poste



Localisation du poste

France, Ile-de-France, Essonne (91)



Critères candidat


Anglais (Courant)

Diplôme préparé

Bac+8 - Doctorat scientifique

Formation recommandée

PhD in Physics, Astrophysics, Instrumentation for Astrophysics


Disponibilité du poste
